Una realidad: desastre económico y moral en el sistema sanitario del país más poderoso del mundo.
Una oportunidad de cambio: Barack Obama.
Un plazo concreto: este año.
Un texto "para ponerse en contexto": este fragmento de "El País", esta semana.
Un poema para ilustrar: engancha con el enlace y recita a coro con el Doctor que dedica a Obama sus ideas: Nuestra Guerra no está en otros continentes, sino contra una enfermedad que nos devasta, y que es en alguna medida, evitable, La Diabetes.
Una moraleja: apreciemos lo bueno de nuestro sistema sanitario. Y cuidémoslo.
Barack Obama ha puesto estos días en marcha la más gigantesca reforma que cualquier presidente de Estados Unidos pueda plantearse, la creación de un sistema de salud al alcance de todos los ciudadanos. Lo hizo desde un enfoque diferente, no como una necesidad de carácter social, que lo es de forma escandalosa, sino como una urgencia de carácter económico, como un paso esencial para equilibrar las cuentas del Estado. Y se puso un plazo exigente para conseguirlo: este mismo año.
"La reforma de nuestro sistema de salud ya no es un imperativo moral, es un imperativo fiscal. Si queremos crear empleos y reconstruir nuestra economía, tenemos que atajar el desorbitado coste de la atención sanitaria este año, en esta Administración", declaró Obama en una conferencia de amplio espectro que trataba de representar todos los intereses que tendrán que armonizarse para que esta reforma salga adelante: hospitales, compañías de seguros, médicos, pacientes y congresistas de ambos partidos.
Después de la pena de muerte, la ineficacia de su sistema sanitario es el principal contraste entre EE UU y el mundo civilizado del que forma parte. Unos 46 millones de personas no tienen cobertura sanitaria, y muchos millones más pagan cantidades desproporcionadas por una atención escasa, de mala calidad y que desaparece en cuanto la enfermedad se alarga.
Dear President Obama, I'm speaking to you,
You've inspired the nation; we're long overdue.
We need a strong leader in this time of trouble,
I'd like to lead with you, my pleas I'll redouble.[1-3]
The healthcare system is in severe crisis,
The costs are astounding, with spiraling prices.
For excessive tests and costly machines,
We're stuck in a rut, with the same old routines.
The annual cost of a common disease,
Is more than the wars that we fight overseas.[4]
One-seventy billion a year for diabetes
That is the enemy that might just defeat us.[5]
Twenty percent of all healthcare expenses,
On patients who have this -- a shock to the senses.[5]
One in 3 children may contract this illness,
As adults or teens due to our stillness.[6]
Here is a war that we should have engaged,
Millions have died, and you bet I'm enraged.
Most of these patients get complications,
Even though we treat them with many medications.[7,8]
Blindness and limb loss and chronic dialysis,
Result from our failure to do the analysis.
You need not be an economist or scholar,
We can reverse this for pennies on the dollar.[9]
Diabetes type 2, which is 90%,
Is due to the lifestyle habits doctors lament.
Until we overcome the underlying cause,
We remain paralyzed in the enemy's jaws.
We know what it takes to get there in theory,
But previous leaders have been too leery,
To make it happen on a national scale,
To invest the resources to ensure we prevail.
We now know the weight loss it takes to reverse
The majority of cases of this diabetes curse.[10]
Coaching for weight loss of 40 pounds
Initially seems like it's way out-of-bounds.[11]
But I've learned how to do this on a routine basis,
For men and women of all ages and races.[12]
A caloric reduction of 25%,
Is enough to achieve this glorious ascent.
Out of the grips of this terrible killer,
Transforming sorrow into a thriller.
The key isn't diet type; it's all about adherence,
And removing the obstacles that cause interference.[13,14]
Weekly coaching by an authority,
Can normalize glucose for the majority,
Who sufficiently fear blindness or amputation
Or stroke or dementia, or loss of sensation.
But doctors need training in the methods I've learned,
To reverse diabetes, in those sufficiently concerned.
We need a president who can leap into action,
Who knows what it takes to get enough traction.
Insisting that doctors learn to achieve
Reversal rates that initially seem hard to believe
Is the way to wage war on this foe we must beat
So we don't have to endure the burden of defeat.
Believe with me now, that we can rise to the occasion,
And solve the diabetes reversal equation.
I'm Dr. Michael Dansinger, and this is my opinion.
I'm a Tufts Medical Center Research Physician.
Una oportunidad de cambio: Barack Obama.
Un plazo concreto: este año.
Un texto "para ponerse en contexto": este fragmento de "El País", esta semana.
Un poema para ilustrar: engancha con el enlace y recita a coro con el Doctor que dedica a Obama sus ideas: Nuestra Guerra no está en otros continentes, sino contra una enfermedad que nos devasta, y que es en alguna medida, evitable, La Diabetes.
Una moraleja: apreciemos lo bueno de nuestro sistema sanitario. Y cuidémoslo.
Barack Obama ha puesto estos días en marcha la más gigantesca reforma que cualquier presidente de Estados Unidos pueda plantearse, la creación de un sistema de salud al alcance de todos los ciudadanos. Lo hizo desde un enfoque diferente, no como una necesidad de carácter social, que lo es de forma escandalosa, sino como una urgencia de carácter económico, como un paso esencial para equilibrar las cuentas del Estado. Y se puso un plazo exigente para conseguirlo: este mismo año.
"La reforma de nuestro sistema de salud ya no es un imperativo moral, es un imperativo fiscal. Si queremos crear empleos y reconstruir nuestra economía, tenemos que atajar el desorbitado coste de la atención sanitaria este año, en esta Administración", declaró Obama en una conferencia de amplio espectro que trataba de representar todos los intereses que tendrán que armonizarse para que esta reforma salga adelante: hospitales, compañías de seguros, médicos, pacientes y congresistas de ambos partidos.
Después de la pena de muerte, la ineficacia de su sistema sanitario es el principal contraste entre EE UU y el mundo civilizado del que forma parte. Unos 46 millones de personas no tienen cobertura sanitaria, y muchos millones más pagan cantidades desproporcionadas por una atención escasa, de mala calidad y que desaparece en cuanto la enfermedad se alarga.
Dear President Obama, I'm speaking to you,
You've inspired the nation; we're long overdue.
We need a strong leader in this time of trouble,
I'd like to lead with you, my pleas I'll redouble.[1-3]
The healthcare system is in severe crisis,
The costs are astounding, with spiraling prices.
For excessive tests and costly machines,
We're stuck in a rut, with the same old routines.
The annual cost of a common disease,
Is more than the wars that we fight overseas.[4]
One-seventy billion a year for diabetes
That is the enemy that might just defeat us.[5]
Twenty percent of all healthcare expenses,
On patients who have this -- a shock to the senses.[5]
One in 3 children may contract this illness,
As adults or teens due to our stillness.[6]
Here is a war that we should have engaged,
Millions have died, and you bet I'm enraged.
Most of these patients get complications,
Even though we treat them with many medications.[7,8]
Blindness and limb loss and chronic dialysis,
Result from our failure to do the analysis.
You need not be an economist or scholar,
We can reverse this for pennies on the dollar.[9]
Diabetes type 2, which is 90%,
Is due to the lifestyle habits doctors lament.
Until we overcome the underlying cause,
We remain paralyzed in the enemy's jaws.
We know what it takes to get there in theory,
But previous leaders have been too leery,
To make it happen on a national scale,
To invest the resources to ensure we prevail.
We now know the weight loss it takes to reverse
The majority of cases of this diabetes curse.[10]
Coaching for weight loss of 40 pounds
Initially seems like it's way out-of-bounds.[11]
But I've learned how to do this on a routine basis,
For men and women of all ages and races.[12]
A caloric reduction of 25%,
Is enough to achieve this glorious ascent.
Out of the grips of this terrible killer,
Transforming sorrow into a thriller.
The key isn't diet type; it's all about adherence,
And removing the obstacles that cause interference.[13,14]
Weekly coaching by an authority,
Can normalize glucose for the majority,
Who sufficiently fear blindness or amputation
Or stroke or dementia, or loss of sensation.
But doctors need training in the methods I've learned,
To reverse diabetes, in those sufficiently concerned.
We need a president who can leap into action,
Who knows what it takes to get enough traction.
Insisting that doctors learn to achieve
Reversal rates that initially seem hard to believe
Is the way to wage war on this foe we must beat
So we don't have to endure the burden of defeat.
Believe with me now, that we can rise to the occasion,
And solve the diabetes reversal equation.
I'm Dr. Michael Dansinger, and this is my opinion.
I'm a Tufts Medical Center Research Physician.
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